Saturday, February 20, 2016

Day 5: Judean Desert, Masada, Dead Sea, and Jericho

We left the city to drive through the Judean Desert, which is in Israel and the West Bank and descends to the Dead Sea. Because of the lack of water and good routs, the Judean wilderness has been largely uninhabited except for Bedouin shepherds and others seeking refuge from enemies or retreat from the world. When on the run from King Saul, David his in various places in the Judean wilderness. John the Baptist preached here, and tradition holds that Jesus was tempted here. King Herod the Great (the King Herod who killed the Holy Innocents) built two fortresses in the Judean desert for protection should his people ever revolt against him.

We had to ride up to Masada on a large cable car. Both on the way up and on the way, I got to stand near an Israeli soldier holding an Uzi submachine gun ready to put his finger on the trigger at any moment. This country is clearly on high alert. Every place we go we see soldiers armed with Uzi submachine guns. Imagine going to Disney World and seeing armed soldiers. It is very sobering.

Anyway, Masada is hard to comprehend. Granted, they used plenty slaves to build it, but I cannot imagine the manpower it took to lug those big stones up there to build this enormous fortress. This place had warm and cool baths, enormous food storage areas, two luxurious palaces, a swimming pool and a giant water system. This was a stunning achievement for that era.

After the Masada, we visited Qumram. Qumram was a settlement of the Jewish sect of the Essenes in the inhospitable wilderness bordering the Dead Sea, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947. The eleven caves in the adjacent hillside yielded their treasure, including fragments of every book of the Hebrew Bible except the Book of Esther, and many non-Biblical documents as well. These documents date from before the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus. Most of the documents are not scrolls, but are fragments mixed with bat poop and detritus. After viewing the cave at Qumram where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, we has lunch at a very crowded kibbutz before moving on to the Dead Sea.

The Dead Sea is a salt lake bordering Jordan to the east and Israel and the West Bank to the West. It is 1,388 feet below sea level making it Earth’s lowest elevation on land. It has about 33% salt which makes it one of the world’s saltiest bodies of water, and you can float on it without sinking. Biblically, the Dead Sea was a place of refuge for King David, and it is also mentioned in the Books of Genesis, Joshua and Zechariah. The floating on the water in the Dead Sea was fun, but getting out there was an ER visit waiting to happen. You see, you cannot get that salty water in your eyes, and you end up walking into the water in your swimsuit and your boat shoes. The clay-like mud on the bottom of the sea is terribly uneven, and awfully slick. When you try to walk into the water, your shoes slide around on the mud, and often the oily-feeling mud will grab ahold of one or both of your shoes and you get stuck, or worse you slide until you fall under water. This happened to me while I was carrying my smart phone out into the sea! What a potential disaster! I was okay, but I survived and so did my phone.

After we managed to shower the sand and goo from the sea off of us, we drove the Jericho, we Monsignor Al and Father Rich celebrate Mass at a small Catholic Church called Jesus the Good Shepherd. What is interesting to me about Catholic Churches over here versus Catholic Churches in the U.S. is that our Catholic Churches all seem to have a large crucifix as the focal point on the altar. In Catholic Churches over here, Jesus is pictured consistently with the theme or name of the particular church. So, for example, in the Church of the Jesus the Good Shepherd, there is no large crucifix, but there is a large illustration of Jesus as a shepherd tending to his flock.

As we headed back to Jerusalem after our time in the Judean Desert and the Dead Sea and Jericho, we stopped at Mountain Temptation. This is believed to be the place where Jesus was tempted. According to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights in the Judean Desert, and during this time, Satan appeared to Him and tried to tempt Him.  On this day, it was a place where some in the group, including Father Rich, road a camel. While watching some members of the group ride a camel was entertaining, I was more amused by the store located across the street from the camel called “Temptation Gallery.”

Friday, February 19, 2016

Day 4: Church of the Holy Sepulcher and Meeting with the Archbishop (oh, and Roll Tide!)

We left the hotel before it was light this morning to walk to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. A sepulcher is a small room or monument, cut in rock or built of stone, in which a dead person is laid or buried. The Church of the Holy Sepulcher is where Jesus’s Tomb is. The outside of the tomb is pictured below. 
After praying here for a while, we moved to the Crucifixion Chapel where Monsignor Al and Father Rich celebrated Mass. This experience has been emotional every day, but something about experiencing the true sacrifice Jesus made for us up close really hit me today, and I found myself weeping throughout Mass. (I think poor Tony thought I was having a seizure at one point!). Father Rich reassured me after Mass that something like this is expected, and that he would be surprised if I just felt normal after taking all of this in.  After Mass, we were permitted the rare privilege of going inside the Holy Sepulcher and seeing Jesus’ actual tomb. There are no words to describe that moment.
We also saw the stone that marks the spot on which His body was anointed with oil prior to His burial.

We also got to touch the Rock of Calvary (Golgotha) where Jesus is believed to have died. Each of kneeled to touch the rock where Jesus died for our redemption. Another moment that left me emotionally wrought and speechless.

We also saw a cave that was of the type that families used to bury their dead. It would have been the type of cave in which Jesus was initially buried prior to his resurrection. I walked into the cave and realized how small it was!

Because we were so physically and emotionally spent after this experience, we came back to our guest house for some nourishment and rest. One the way back, Tony and I noticed a store we had not seen before. You can see the sign below, but if you know us, you also know we would come back to it, and we did. We ventured back later in the afternoon and asked “How in the world did you decide to open an Alabama store in Jerusalem?!” The young man in the picture told us his dad earned his business degree at Bama, and he loves the Tide. He showed us a Nick Saban picture autographed to his father, and he was so hospitable to us. He even gave us free Bama ball caps! It was a fantastic experience!

Later that afternoon, we had a meeting with Bishop William Shomali, Latin Patriarchal Vicar of Jerusalem. He was especially pleased that we had chosen to make a Lenten Pilgrimage to the Holy Land during a time when so many are afraid to come. Since tourism is such a large source of revenue to Christian Palestinians as well as the Holy Land at large, we have heard this comment a lot.

Bishop Shomali said that he believes pilgrimages to the Holy Land produce 4 fruits:
1.    An increase in faith: when we experience Christ’s life and sacrifice, it helps us realize the human element of his suffering and the magnitude of God’s love for us
2.    Discovery of the Word of God in Bible → Our faith is REAL!
3.    We enter into contact with brothers and sisters in Christ; we meet fellow Christians who descend from communities that were founded by Jesus Christ Himself!
4.    It helps reverse the decline in the percentage of Christians in the Holy Land. Not too long ago, the percentage of Christians in the Holy Land (the land of Christ) was 10%; and now it is 2%. Nevertheless, the numbers of Christians continues to grow!
Bishop Shomali urged us to remind our friends and family to visit and make a pilgrimage. He said: “The Holy Land without pilgrims is NOT the Holy but merely a museum.” So true!
What are the challenges that Bishop Shomali sees in the Holy Land?
1.    Division: There are political, cultural, economic, and social differences that make finding peace a serious challenge among Jews, Christians and Muslims.
2.    Declining percentages of Catholics poses a problems for the Church, especially since the Catholic Church is doing so much for all people (not just Catholics) in terms of education, health care and social justice.
3.    Meaningful dialogue between Jews, Christians and Muslims: In most situations, religion should be part of the process of peace, reconciliation and justice, but here in the Holy Land, religion is a major part of the problem.
A.   For example, the Temple Mount is one of the most important Holy sites in the Holy Land. Jewish and Christian traditions associate the site with the binding of Isaac (where Abraham agreed to sacrifice his son Isaac to God). There is also evidence that King Solomon’s Temple also stood on this site. Muslims view this site as the place where Muhammad ascended into Heaven. There have been increasing attacks at this site in recent months by Palestinian Muslims on both Jews and Christians.
B.   The Cenacle (believed to the place where Jesus held the Last Supper) belonged the Christians, then the Ottomans (Muslims) took and it became a Mosque. It is currently owned by the State of Israel who has refused to cede ownership back to the Vatican because there is strong belief that it belongs to the Jews since it sits on the place where King David’s Tomb is. Catholics and many other Christians, of course, believe it is the site where Jesus held the last Passover meal (Last Supper) with the Apostles, where He washed the Apostles’ feet, where he reappeared to the Apostles upon his resurrection, where he ascended into Heaven, and where the Holy Spirit descended to the Apostles at Pentecost. Pope Francis donated an Olive Tree at this site at his most recent visit, but the conflict has yet to be resolved.
4.    The Lack of Peace makes every day living very difficult.

A member of our group noted that many people back home tend to demonize all Muslims as terrorists and asked what his perception of Muslims here was. Bishop Shomali noted that Sunni Muslims (from where al-Qaeda and subsequently ISIS have come) have tended to have the most violent members. The Shia Muslins (who are in the minority worldwide) tend to be poor but peaceful. He then mentioned Abdennour Bidar’s “Open Letter to the Muslim World” as something that gives him hope. I have put it below.

Dear Muslim World,
I am one of your distant sons who observes you from the outside and from afar – from this country, France, where so many of your children live today. I look at you with the strict eyes of a philosopher nourished since childhood both by the taçawwuf (Sufism) and by Western thought. I am observing you therefore from – great image in the Koran - the isthmus between the two seas of East and West!

And what do I see? What can I see better than others, undoubtedly exactly because I am looking at you from far off, with the advantage of more objective looking at you thanks to the distance? I see you, you my dear Muslim world, in a miserable state of suffering which causes me infinite sadness, but which renders my judgment as a philosopher even more severe, more harsh! Why? You ask me why ? Because I see you creating a monster which claims to call itself the Islamic State and which some prefer to give the name of a demon: Daesh. And the worst is that I see you losing – losing your time and your honour - in your refusal to recognize that this monster is born of you, of your own errancy, of your own contradictions, of your own discrepancy between the past and the present, and of your own interminable incapacity in finding your own place in human global civilization.

What in fact are you saying in the face of this monster? You are shouting : “It’s not me!”, “It’s not Islam!”. You are denying that the crimes of this monster are committed in your name (#NotInMyName). You rebel against the idea that the monster has usurped your identity, and of course you are right in doing so. It is essential that you thus proclaim, loud and clear, in the face of the world that Islam denounces this barbarity, and that Islam as religion and civilization must not be mixed up with “Islamism”. But all these proclamations of innocence and difference are not enough! Far from it ! Because you are taking refuge in reactionary self-defense without taking, above all, the responsibility of self-criticism. You are satisfied merely to be outraged, although this moment could have been an historical opportunity to question yourself! The most crucial time for the deepest, hardest, self examination! But instead of that, instead of taking your own responsibility, you only accuse: “You, Westerners, and you, all the enemies of Islam, stop associating us with this monster ! Terrorism is not Islam, not the real Islam, not the good Islam that speaks not of War, but of Peace!”

I hear the cry of revolt which is rising in you, oh my dear Muslim World ! And I do understand it, and I share it. Yes, of course you are right, like each one of the other great sacred inspirations of the world, throughout its history, Islam has created Beauty, Justice, great meanings, spiritual and ethical virtues, and has brilliantly enlightened million human beings along the mysterious path of existence… Here in the West, and in each of my books, I am involved in a battle, so that this profound wisdom of Islam - and the profound wisdom of all religions – be never lost, neither forgotten nor scorned ! But from my distant position, I also see something which you do not see… And which inspires to me a question – “the” great question: why has this monster stolen your face? Why has this appalling monster chosen your face and not that of another? It is because in reality, that behind this monster, there is hidden an immense problem, which evidently you are not able to face, to confront yourself. Yet you will end up to be able to find the courage to do so...

This problem is that of the roots of evil. Where do the crimes of this so-called “Islamic State” come from? I shall tell you , my friend. You will not be pleased with what I have to say, but it is my work as a philosopher. The roots of this evil which has stolen your face are within you yourself, the monster has come from your own innards - and whence will appear many other monsters, even worse than this one, as long as you will hesitate to admit that it is caused by as your own illness and diseases, and as long as you will delay to attack this internal roots of evil!

Even for the Western intellectuals – my colleagues – it is difficult to see ! For the most of them, they have so far forgotten what is the power of religion – its great power for better or worse, its great power on life and death – that they often tell to me : “No, the problem of the Muslim World is not Islam, it is not religion, but politics, history, economics, etc.” They have no recollection at all, of the fact that religion may be the heart of a human civilization, its complex (creative and terrific) heart ! And they are also too “secularized” to understand the new obviousness in this beginning of 21st century, that the future of humanity will occur not only by the resolution of the financial crisis, but essentially by the resolution of the spiritual crisis without precedent which involves our humanity in its entirety. Will we, from all over the planet, know to unite in order to confront this fundamental challenge ? The spiritual nature of man has an horror of emptiness, and if we, all humans together of all civilizations, are unable to find anything new with which to be replenish this void, it will be tomorrow replenish by religions more and more maladjusted to present times – and these obsolete forms of spirituality will, like Islam today, begun to produce monsters. 

I see in you, oh my dear Muslim World, immense forces ready to rise and to contribute to this worldwide effort to find a spiritual life for this open new century! Despite the gravity of your illness, there is within you an extraordinary multitude of women and men who are ready to reform Islam, to reinvent its genius beyond its historical and outmoded forms, and thus to participate in the total renewal of the rapport which humanity has maintained until now with his gods ! In my works I address all these, both Muslims and non-Muslims, who collectively dream of a spiritual revolution! To give them, with the words of a philosopher, confidence in that which they see as a glimmer of hope!

But there are not enough men and women of the Muslim faith who look to the future, and their struggle for a new spiritual way of life has not yet enough force. All of these, whose lucidity and courage I salute with admiration and support, have rightly seen that it is the general state of the profound sickness of the Muslim World which explains the birth of terrorist monsters which have names like Al-Qaida, Jabhat Al-Nusra, Aqmi or so-called “Islamic State”. They have well understood that these are only the more visible symptoms of an immense sick body, of which the chronic illnesses are the following : powerless in establishing lasting democracies which really and definitely recognize the complete right of conscientious freedom towards the religious dogmas ; chronic difficulties in improving the rights of women concerning equality, responsibility and freedom ; the inability to sufficiently separate political power from the controlling religious authority ; the incapacity to institute respect, tolerance and a true recognition of religious pluralism and of religious minorities.

Could all this be the fault of the West ? How much precious time are you still going to waste, oh my dear Muslim World, by the use of this mediocre accusation in which you yourself no longer believe, and behind which you hide by continually lying to yourself?

Since the 18th century in particular, it has become time to confess that you have been incapable to meet the challenge of the West. You either have taken refuge in an infantile and mortifying fashion in the past, with the dark regression of Wahhabism which continues to wreak devastation almost everywhere within your frontiers – a Wahhabism that you spread from your holy places in Saudi Arabia like a cancer which comes from your very heart itself ! Or you have followed the worst elements of the West, in producing like it nationalisms and a modernism which are caricatures of modernity – I am talking about consumer society, inhuman jungle of free market economy, and also about this technological development which has no coherence with its religious archaism and which makes of your extremely wealthy “elite” of the Gulf a consenting victim of the worldwide sickness which is the worship of this false God called Money.

What is admirable in you today, my friend? What has remained in you that is worthy to gain the respect of other people and other religions on Earth? Where are your wise men, and have you any wisdom to offer the world ? Where are your great men and women ? Who are your Mandelas, who are your Gandhis, who are your Aung San Suu Kyi’s? The new Nobel prize Malala Yousafzaï is one of your daughters but it is impossible for her to be accepted and to live in her own country! Where are your great thinkers whose books were obligatory reading throughout the entire world as during the ancient time when the Arab and Persian mathematicians and philosophers made reference from India to Spain? In reality you have become so weak behind the certitude which you display about yourself… You do not know who you are anymore, nor where you are going, and that in itself makes you not only wretched but also aggressive. . . You persist in not listening to those who call to you to change by freeing yourself at last from the domination that you have given religion over all aspects of life.

You have chosen to consider Mohammed as prophet and king. You have chosen to define Islam as a political, social and moral religion, prevailing like a tyrant not only over the state but also all over civilian, moral and social life, as well on the street and in the house and even on the interior of every consciousness. You have chosen to believe and to impose that Islam wants to say submission whereas the Koran itself proclaims that “there are no constraint in religion” (La ikrâha fi Dîn). You have made its call to freedom into an Empire of Constraints! How can a civilization betray to this extent his own sacred text? I say that the hour has come for the Islamic civilization, to replace all the laws, invented by generations of theologians, by instituting this spiritual freedom given by the Koran to each human being – this spiritual freedom that is with no doubt the most sublime and the most difficult of all kinds of freedom!

Large numbers of voices, which you do not want to hear, are raised today in the Oumma, denouncing this taboo of an authoritative and indisputable religion… To the extent that too many believers have so internalized a culture of submission to tradition and to “masters of religion” (imams, muftis, chouyoukhs, etc.) that they don’t understand someone who, like me or other free thinkers, other free believers, speak to them of spiritual freedom, and when we speak to them of their personal choice towards the “pillars” of Islam. All this constitutes to them a “red line” so sacred that they dare not grant their own conscience the right to question ! And there are so many families where this confusion between spirituality and servitude is encrusted from a young age in their minds and where spiritual education is so poor, that all that concerns religion remains something that one does not talk about!

However, this, quite obviously is not imposed by the terrorism of some mad fanatic troops embarked on by the so-called “Islamic State”. No, this problem goes infinitely deeper! But who wants to listen? There is a silence across the Muslim World, and in the western media one listens to specialists on terrorism who daily aggravate the general short-sightedness! Oh my dear friend, do not delude yourself into believing that when one is rid of the Islamic terrorism, that Islam will have solved all its problems! Because all that I have just called to mind – a tyrannical, dogmatic, literalist, male chauvinist, conservative and regressive religion – is too often the ordinary Islam, the every-day Islam, which suffers and causes the suffering of so many consciousnesses, the Islam of an outdated past, the Islam deformed by all those who abused it politically, the Islam who ends again and again by hushing up all the “Arab Springs” and to hush up also the voices of its young who are asking for something different. So when are you going to at long last make this Revolution happen so that in societies and consciousnesses will definitely associate spirituality and freedom?

In your immense territory there are of course islands of spiritual freedom: the families who practice an Islam of tolerance, personal choice, in-depth spirituality; places where Islam still gives the best of itself, a culture of sharing, of honour, of knowledge seeking, and a spirituality in search of this sacred/ultimate place where human being and the supreme reality, that Koran calls Allâh, can meet. There is in the Muslim countries, and everywhere in Muslim communities worldwide, strong and free consciousnesses. But they are condemned to live their freedom without recognition of their true rights, at their own risk and peril faced with community controls or even at times faced by the religious police. Never, even for an instant, do they have the right recognized by the “Official Islam” of the dignitaries, to say : “I choose my own Islam”, “I have my own connection with Islam”. On the contrary, “Official Islam” sternly lay down that “the doctrine of Islam is unique” and that “strict obedience to the pillars of Islam is the only righteous way” (sirâtou-l-moustaqîm).

This refusal of the right of freedom as regards to religion is one of the roots of evil of which you suffer, oh my dear Muslim World! One of the dark stomachs where for some years now, monsters with frightening faces grow that are set free all over the world. Because this “Religion of Iron” imposes upon all your societies an unbearable violence. It has enclosed too many of your girls and boys in a cage of good and evil, of lawfulness (halâl) and of unlawfulness (harâm) which no-one chooses but under which everyone suffers. It imprisons willpower, it conditions minds, it impedes or hinders all choice of personal life. In too many of your regions, you still associate religion and violence – against women, against the “bad believers” / “unbelievers”, against the Christian or other minorities, against thinkers and all free spirits, against rebels, whereby this religion and this violence ends up being confused, by the most unbalanced and the most fragile of your sons, as the monstrosity of the jihad war!

Therefore please, no more pretending that you are surprised by the demons of the so-called “Islamic State” which have taken on your face ! The demons and the monsters only steal faces that are already deformed by too many grimaces! And if you want to know how to stop giving birth to such monsters, I will tell you. It is very simple and at the same time very difficult. You need to start by the complete reform of all the education that you give your children, in each one of your schools, each of your places of learning and power. Reform them by leading them according to the universal principles (even if you are not alone in their transgression or persisting in ignorance): freedom of consciousnesses; democracy; tolerance and right of citizenship in your countries for all the diversity of visions from all over the world and all beliefs; equality of sexes and female emancipation of all masculine guardianship; critical approach of religion in your universities, and the same right in literature and the media. You can’t retract now, you can’t do less that all that ! It is the only way for you to end giving birth to such monsters, and if you don’t do it, you will soon be devastated by their power of destruction.

Dear Muslim World… I am only a philosopher, and as usual there are those who say that a philosopher is a heretic. However, I seek only to let the light shine anew – it is the name which you gave me that inspires me thus, Abdennour, “Bearer or Herald of the Light”. I would not have been so severe in this letter if I did not believe in you. As we say in French, “qui aime bien châtie bien” = he who loves with all his heart, chastises with all his heart. And on the contrary, all those who are not so severe towards you today – who want to victimize you -, are not rendering you a real service ! I believe in you, I believe in your contribution in making our planet of tomorrow a universe more humane and at the same time more spiritual. Salâm, may peace be with you.
Abdennour Bidar
Philosopher specialist of contemporary evolution of Islam


I asked Bishop Shomali what we can do to help the situation over here in the Holy Land. First and foremost, he stressed PRAYER! Next, he urged us to continue to encourage other pilgrims to come and visit like we have. I have to tell you that nothing can really prepare for you for a visit, but you learn so much that you would not learn otherwise.